Taylor Librarian: Diana Huff
I obtained my Education Degree from Texas A&M and received my Master's Degree in Library Science from the University of Texas. I have previously worked as an elementary school librarian in South Dakota and Louisiana. I have been the librarian at Taylor since 2008. I have a wonderful husband, Kyle, and two sweet daughters, Claire and Anna. My family loves to travel together and we are active in our church. I absolutely love being a librarian!
Library Aide: Jackie Goralczyk
I was raised in Garland, and received my Bachelor's Degreed from UT Dallas. My husband, Don, and I have three children. Kelsey is a freshman at Texas A&M, Lindey is a 10th grader at Liberty, and Colin is a 7th grader at Fowler. I love helping students find their favorite books and introducing them to new ones!
R.I.S.E. Fest
1 month ago