Friday, February 19, 2010

Bluebonnet Parties

We held our Bluebonnet parties in the library this week. All students who read a t least five Bluebonnet books were invited to join us. The winning Bluebonnet book for the state of Texas this year was Help Me, Mr. Mutt! by Susan Stevens Crummell, so our party had a dog theme.

Students had bluebonnets painted on their faces.

We had a "How many dog bones in the bowl?" estimation contest. The winners from each grade level won a free book. If you're curious, there were 134 bones in the bowl.

Fourth grade Bluebonnet readers

Third grade Bluebonnet readers

Fifth grade Bluebonnet readers

Each student was able to choose a free book.

Blue donuts and punch were enjoyed by everyone!

We played "Throw the dog bone in the bowl" with the winners choosing another free book.

We also played "Hot dog" where students passed a stuffed dog and tried not to be the one holding it when the music stopped. The winners of this game also received another free book.

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